Saturday, July 16, 2005

Why don't the babies fall?

Dobry den,

I trust everyone is well. How could you not be in the country with the best health care in the world, right? Hahaha.

While life on this end hasn't been totally packed with excitement, I have been doing a fair deal - and working quite a bit. I picked up a few temporary jobs, doing some data entry, proofreading, and... teaching small children. It's a nightmare. Imagine me, all tweeded up, singing "London Bridge is Falling Down" to five year old Czech kids, while they climb all over me, sticking elbows in my sides and fingers in my ears, and Oh, it's terrible! And it pays 4 dollars an hour. So, after public transport there and back, and lunch, I have a net profit for the entire day of 10 dollars, just slightly less than my rent. I'm no economist, but I'm pretty sure that's less than ideal.

Things are still on track as far as Poland goes. We've accepted the job, and are in the process of getting our stuff together for the visas, which is kind of a sore subject right now. Wish us luck... Emily will be here soon. We're thinking about going to Croatia for some beach time, and maybe Bosnia for some landmines. If you have any recommendations regarding Southeastern Europe, please let us know!

Cheers, my worthy, worthy comrades...

Aaron Rotsinger

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